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Open Access Article
International Journal of Education. 2021; 3: (1) ; 1-12 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ije.20210001.
香港城市大学系统工程及工程管理学系 中国香港
*通讯作者: 孙洪义,单位:香港城市大学系统工程及工程管理学系 中国香港;
发布时间: 2021-01-18 总浏览量: 1419
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专创融合金课设计等教学改革最终必然会涉及到教学设计。教学设计有两个不同的层次,一个是课程层面的课程大纲的设计(Syllabus design),另外一个层次是详细的单元的教学设计(Unit design)。成果导向已经成为国际公认的课程大纲设计方法,推广认证路线清晰。但是单元教学设计的方法却很多,比如五星法、五步法、有效教学法、BOPPPS、EDDIE、O-AMAS和对分课堂等至少60多种,新的方法还在不断出现。现在也许是时候全面地介绍一下、比较一下和总结一下,并顺便了解一下从教学方法(Teaching method)到教学设计方法(Instructional design method)的发展历程和经验教训。本文首先简要地回顾一下赫尔巴特(Herbart)和杜威(Dewey)经典的教学理念和方法,从中探讨批判思维,因地制宜和与时俱进三个原则的重要性和必然性。然后根据这三个原则,对12种教学设计方法进行了结构性的对比分析,并总结出一套以学生学习为中心,同时保持教学平衡、师生平衡的“六字诀”单元教学设计法(即:入、学、练、用、展、思),让成果导向的教学理念,创新创业教育和专创融合金课设计的方案落地到课堂的每一节课程和教学单元。
Education reforms such as designing the innovation and entrepreneurship embedded golden course will eventually touch instruction design. There are two different levels of instructional design, one is the design at the course level (Syllabus design), and the other is the design at the detailed unit level (Unit design). Outcome-based education (OBE) has become an internationally recognized method for designing syllabus and curriculum accreditation. However, there are as many as 6o different unit instructional design methods such as the Five-star method, Five-step method, Effective education method, BOPPPS, EDDIE, ASSURE, O-AMAS and so on. New methods are still emerging. It is high time to conduct a comprehensive review, comparison and summary, and by the way to understand the development process and lessons from teaching method to instructional design method. This article first briefly reviews the classic teaching concepts and methods by Herbart and Dewey, and then explores the importance and inevitability of the three principles, i.e., critical thinking, adapting measures to local conditions and advancing with the times. Then, based on these three principles, a structural comparative analysis of 12 instructional design methods was carried out, and, as a result, a new instructional design method: the ELPADRe model (Entry, Learn, Practice, Apply, Exhibit, and Reflect). The ELPADRe model is based on student-centered learning while maintaining the balance between teaching and learning. Hopefully the ELPADRe method will implement and operationalize the outcome-based education, innovation and entrepreneurship education and golden course design into every unit of a lesson.
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