



Open Access Article

International Journal of Education. 2024; 6: (3) ; 108-112 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ije.20240059.

The Validity of teacher-student collaborative assessment model in English translation teaching

作者: 邹红 *

吉林外国语大学英语学院 吉林长春

*通讯作者: 邹红,单位:吉林外国语大学英语学院 吉林长春;

发布时间: 2024-09-29 总浏览量: 318


翻译评价作为翻译教学体系中的关键环节,对于培养学生译者的翻译能力具有举足轻重的意义。本研究聚焦于英语笔译课程,通过准实验设计,选取了两组平行班级,分别设定为实验班与对照班,深入剖析师生合作评价模式在翻译教学实践中的成效。本研究为纵向研究,细致考察实验班在应用师生合作评价模式前后,与对照班在传统评价模式下的学习成效差异。研究结果显示,师生合作评价模式在促进翻译技巧的提高与翻译审校能力的提升上成效斐然,学生的翻译技巧识别和段落翻译成绩显著高于对照班(t=-2.76/-2.86, p=.008/.006),但翻译措辞测试没有显著差异(t=.26, p=.796)。即,该模式在直接促进学生语言能力提高方面的作用相对有限,这一发现提示我们在后续的教学实践中,应积极探索并融入更多元化的教学策略与资源,加强对语言能力的培养,以期全面推动学生翻译综合能力的均衡发展。

关键词: 师生合作评价;TSCA;英语笔译;翻译方法


Translation assessment serves as a crucial component of the translation teaching framework and holds significant importance in cultivating students’ translation competencies. This study focuses on English translation courses, employing a quasi-experimental design with two parallel classes designated as the experimental group and the control group. It provides an in-depth analysis of the effectiveness of TSCA model in translation instruction. As a longitudinal study, it examines the differences in learning outcomes between the experimental group, which utilized the collaborative assessment model, and the control group, which followed a traditional assessment approach. The findings indicate that the collaborative assessment model enhances translation skills and proofreading abilities, with students in the experimental group demonstrating significantly higher scores in translation technique identification and paragraph translation than those in the control group (t=-2.76/-2.86, p=.008/.006). However, no significant differences were observed in the translation diction tests (t=.26, p=.796). This suggests that the model’s direct impact on enhancing students’ language proficiency is relatively limited. This finding indicates the necessity for future teaching practices to explore and integrate a wider array of teaching strategies and resources, thereby strengthening language development and aiming for a more balanced advancement of students’ comprehensive translation abilities.

Key words: TSCA; English translation; Translation method

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