



Open Access Article

International Journal of Education. 2024; 6: (3) ; 89-91 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ije.20240055.

Professional development pathways for university English teachers in the context of new agricultural sciences

作者: 任云岚 *

内蒙古农业大学外国语学院 内蒙古呼和浩特

*通讯作者: 任云岚,单位:内蒙古农业大学外国语学院 内蒙古呼和浩特;

发布时间: 2024-09-29 总浏览量: 144



关键词: 新农科;高校;英语教师


The primary objective of universities is to cultivate high-quality talents, and the level of talent cultivation depends on the overall quality of the teaching team. In the context of new agricultural sciences, adept English application skills are imperative for modern agricultural and forestry professionals. Elevating the competencies of English teachers in higher education institutions stands as a pivotal determinant in fortifying the English proficiencies of agriculture and forestry students. Confronted with novel objectives and imperatives, universities ought to proactively engage with educational and instructional reforms. This necessitates a judicious delineation of the professional growth trajectory for English teachers, fortified faculty establishment, heightened information literacy, amplified managerial prowess, and bolstered core competitiveness, all of which are instrumental in propelling the enduring advancement of the university's mission. With the dual impetus of teaching reform and information technology, university English teachers are encouraged to cultivate a lucid self-awareness regarding their personal evolution, adapt to the evolving roles of the era, update their teaching concepts, abandon passive and inertial thinking, strengthen their own ideals and beliefs, and enrich their humanistic proficiencies. Through the fusion of smart technologies and the cultivation of research innovations, high-quality compound agricultural talents can be nurtured.

Key words: New agricultural sciences; Higher education institutions; English teachers

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