



Open Access Article

International Journal of Education. 2024; 6: (3) ; 61-65 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ije.20240049.

Design and practice of STEAM projects for business English majors from the perspective of digital and intelligent education

作者: 李琦 *, 项少晶, 黎宇珍

北京理工大学珠海学院 广东珠海

*通讯作者: 李琦,单位:北京理工大学珠海学院 广东珠海;

发布时间: 2024-09-28 总浏览量: 47



关键词: 数智教育;商务英语专业;STEAM项目


With the advent of the digital and intelligent era, the education sector is undergoing significant transformation. This paper reviews the development of digital education in China, and analyzes the role of digital and intelligent technologies in higher education reform, for example, knowledge expansion, teaching innovation, and management model transformation. The paper also explores the new developments of the STEAM education concept in this era, particularly in Business English major, emphasizing interdisciplinary integration and collaborative inquiry. By designing the STEAM task “Investigation of College Student's Consumption Behavior and Suggestions on Rational Consumption”, the paper demonstrates how Business English can be integrated with science, technology, arts, and mathematics, highlighting the potential of STEAM projects to cultivate Business English talents with global perspectives and innovative capabilities.

Key words: Digital and intelligent education; Business English Majors; STEAM projects

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李琦, 项少晶, 黎宇珍, 数智教育视域下商务英语专业STEAM项目设计与实践[J]. 国际教育学, 2024; 6: (3) : 61-65.