



Open Access Article

International Journal of Education. 2024; 6: (3) ; 16-22 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ije.20240039.

The historical transmutation of distributed leadership theory and practice in western and non-western contexts

作者: 吕馨桐 *

上海理工大学 上海

*通讯作者: 吕馨桐,单位:上海理工大学 上海;

发布时间: 2024-09-25 总浏览量: 40



关键词: 分布式领导力理论;教育领导力;教育管理学;国际比较教育


Distributed leadership is a leadership model that focuses on the interaction between leaders and followers, and has been proposed by Western educators for decades. Its theory and practice have been widely applied in Western primary and middle schools. Likewise, the number of distributed leadership studies in the Higher Education context has been increasing. However, there is still a lack of empirical studies of distributed leadership in Chinese contexts, and the existing literature is more likely to interpret the theory through literal translation. This paper summarises the historical transmutation, theory and practice of distributed leadership in Western and non-Western contexts, so that a more solid theoretical foundation for relevant research can be clarified.

Key words: Distributed leadership; Educational leadership; Educational management; International and comparative education

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